Hvað er ólöglegt og hvað ætti að vera ólöglegt.

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Póstar: 6774
Skráði sig: Mán 04. Apr 2005 11:01
Reputation: 935
Staðsetning: https://notendur.hi.is/vjh2/
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Staða: Ótengdur

Re: Hvað er ólöglegt og hvað ætti að vera ólöglegt.

Pósturaf Viktor » Fös 08. Feb 2019 12:06

A US teenager who discovered a security flaw in Apple's FaceTime video-calling system has been given a bug bounty.
Apple has not revealed the exact amount it is giving 14-year-old Grant Thompson but it is believed to include money to help pay for his education.


I wish I was cool enough to not care how much I care about pretending not to care about things

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