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Verð fyrir notað strix R9-390?

Sent: Þri 08. Ágú 2017 20:11
af Steinman
Var að vellta fyrir mér hvað maður getur búist við að fá fyrir rúmlega 1 og 1/2 árs gamalt Asus Strix R9-390? fer að detta í að vera 2 ára gamallt.
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Re: Verð fyrir notað strix R9-390?

Sent: Þri 08. Ágú 2017 20:28
af Aimar
fann þetta a netinu.
970 kortin eru að fara á 17 til 20þ kr.

It'll depend on your priorities, the two are too close in terms of performance to separate that way so you need to think about what is most important to YOU.

Apart from lower power consumption the GTX970 will be a little quieter and pump a lot less heat into the case, so if you're after a quiet system it's the card to go for.
Also Nvidia have a few software tricks you might consider: PhysX boosts cloth/water/smoke/particle realism-although not every game supports it-and they have several anti aliasing modes that give good results with a lower frame rate hit than AMD users can enjoy. If you want to record gameplay for video (youtube etc) Shadowplay has a lower performance hit than the AMD Raptr streaming/recording software.

With that huge 8Gb of memory the R9 390 is going to handle heavily modded games more easily than the GTX970 so if you're a graphics junkie and have to have the latest high res texture packs and realistic vegetation addons and can accept the requirement of more/stronger/nosier case fans the R9 390 is the card you need.
I'll draw on old experience here and say that the larger memory will also, probably, help smooth out the gameplay a little by eliminating or reducing those tiny glitches you get when making sharp turns or moving from inside to outside scenes that force the card to stream extra texture data from HDD or main memory.

Re: Verð fyrir notað strix R9-390?

Sent: Þri 08. Ágú 2017 20:52
af Steinman
Aimar skrifaði:fann þetta a netinu.
970 kortin eru að fara á 17 til 20þ kr.

Glæsilegt, takk fyrir þetta :)
Kannski að maður setji 25þ á þetta og sjái hvað gerist, þessi 8gb hljóta að vera að skila sér...